
Deepam - Festival of light
Deepam - Festival of light
Deepam - Festival of light
Deepam - Festival of light
Deepam - Festival of light
Deepam - Festival of light
Deepam - Festival of light
Deepam - Festival of light
Deepam Festival
Deepam Festival
Deepam Festival
Deepam Festival
Deepam Festival
Deepam Festival
Deepam Festival
Deepam Festival

Deepam – Festival of light

By Arnav Rastogi and Bhagyashri Patki

In the south of India, around 200 Kms from the capital city of Chennai, lies the quaint temple town of Tiruvannamalai. Famous for the ashram of Sri Rammanna Maharishi, one of the most celebrated spiritual gurus in India, the town also seats the Arunachaleswar, the Mountain God. Legend goes that the mountain is Lord Shiva himself whose third eye manifested himself here when Parvathi playfully shut both his eyes.

The small temple town comes alive during the festival of lights called Karthikai. A ten day affair, Karthikai. also known as Deepam is celebrated with immense fervor and the inhabitants of the town come together in preparing for the festival and participate in various processions. Palkis are brought out, Gods are hoisted on shoulders and each day sees wooden chariot pulled by thousands of devotees over a nine day period. On the full moon day of the month, a huge fire is lit on top of Arunchaleshwar using an immense quantity of ghee (clarified butter).

It is estimated that around 20 lakh people visited Tiruvannamalai during Deepam every year. This festival documentation was done as part of ETP Project365.

Tirunvammalai, Documentary
